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INSOLANCE understands that your feet are as unique as you are. That’s why we offer personalized sandals that not only support your foot health, but also your self-expression and well-being. Our goal is to help you find the perfect fit for your feet, so you can walk with comfort, confidence, and style


INSOLANCE dreams of a world where orthopedic footwear is not only practical, but also a means of celebrating yourself and your uniqueness. We aim to revolutionize how people feel about orthopedic shoes, by offering personalized insoles in sandals that give you comfort, acceptance, and confidence of expressing your style with every pair we craft


  • Empowerment: INSOLANCE empowers you to feel confident and comfortable, by providing personalized solutions that match your individual needs and style
  • Inclusivity: INSOLANCE welcomes and embraces everyone, no matter what their unique foot challenges are, and we make sure they feel valued and cared for
  • Innovation: INSOLANCE constantly innovates to create custom insoles that combine foot health and style in a seamless way, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds
  • Environmental consciousness: INSOLANCE cares about the planet and its future, so we use eco-friendly practices and materials in every aspect of our business